
BWRT® Training News

Free Introduction to BWRT Training

Free Introduction to BWRT Training

Free Introduction to BWRT Half-day presentation for professional “talking therapists” Presenter: June Hale, Accredited BWRT Mentor and Examiner, Approved BWRT Trainer Date: Saturday 14th May 2022, 13:00 – 17:00 Fee: Free Venue: Brandon Day Centre, Brandon, Suffolk If...

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Weight Management with BWRT®

Weight Management with BWRT®

Working with Weight I’ve been in full time private practice as a therapist for over 15 years, and although I don’t specialise in one particular thing, I am drawn to working with weight management. My message to these clients has always been that we sort the head out...

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Working with Health Anxiety

Working with Health Anxiety

Hypochondria, Hypochondriasis, Illness Anxiety Disorder or Somatic Symptom Disorder. Whatever you call it, if you suffer from it, it can be debilitating, frustrating, embarrassing, and just downright scary. If you are a therapist practicing any of the talking therapies, it can also be tricky to work with. A growing number of BWRT® practitioners are finding that a specific application of BWRT® is achieving some impressive results.

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New BWRT® Courses for Depression and Anxiety

New BWRT® Courses for Depression and Anxiety

I am pleased to announce that our new BWRT® website is now live, and this year we will also be able offer new courses in working with depression and anxiety. BWRT® continues to go from strength to strength, with courses running in classrooms all around the globe and online. Our own courses run in Cambridge, UK, which we feel is a good central location for UK therapists, with excellent transport links from London and the North of England.

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